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ARSHI Veterinary Letters
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ARSHI Veterinary Letters (ARSHI Vet Lett) (e-ISSN 2581-2416) is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that publishes original manuscript should be produced from latest scientific results which not last than 5 years in all areas of veterinary sciences. Manuscripts is written in Indonesian or English ARSHI Vet Lett includes a rapidly and briefly updated scientific study with not only limited to reports of case study but also covering all aspects of practical clinical science in veterinary medical services. ARSHI Vet Lett is published by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Bogor Agricultural University (FKH IPB) in collaboration with the Indonesian Veterinary Hospital Association (ARSHI). This journal is published since 2017 (first in mid of the year, volume 1, published in 2 issue i.e. August and November), and next volume will publish 4 (four) times in 1 (one) year, i.e. in February, May, August, and November.
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Chronic diarrhea in west highland white terrier caused by hyperthyroidism Maulana ArRaniri Putra; Isnin Ramadhani Nafiu; Diah Pawitri
ARSHI Veterinary Letters Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): ARSHI Veterinary Letters - November 2019
Publisher : School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (580.146 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avl.3.4.71-72


A 8-years old, female West Highland White Terrier, with a 7-month history of diarrhea and sometimes hematemesis, polyuria and polydipsia. The antibiotic, antihelminthic, antiprotozoal, vitamin and diet changing was given by the previous veterinarian, diarrhea was stopped for a while but the diarrhea reappear. The clinical symptoms was chronic diarrhea, polyuria, and  polydipsia. Physical examination  revealed a swelling in ventrolateral neck area suspected a enlarge thyroid gland in right side. Blood analyses performed a markedly elevated thyroxine (T4) level and increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP). An urinalysis revealed decreases specific gravity (hypostenuria). From an examination, the diagnose hyperthyrodism has been made. The dog was treated by unilateral thyroidectomy. Histopathology of thyroidectomy was thyroid adenoma. A  month after surgery, diarrhea was gone and polyuria and polydipsia was better
Hemofilia pada anjing siberian husky Langen Tunjungsari; Bagus Ilham Pradianto
ARSHI Veterinary Letters Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): ARSHI Veterinary Letters - November 2019
Publisher : School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.921 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avl.3.4.63-64


Hemofilia A dan B merupakan gangguan koagulopati pada anjing yang dapat berakibat fatal dan disebabkan oleh adanya defisiensi pada faktor VIII dan faktor IX. Hemofilia merupakan kelainan turunan yang berkaitan dengan kromosom X sehingga gejala klinis timbul pada hewan jantan, sedangkan hewan betina akan berperan sebagai carrier. Kasus hemofilia di Klinik hewan Gloriavet terjadi pada anjing Siberian Husky jantan dengan gejala epistaksis dan hematuria dengan frekuensi yang tinggi. Hasil pemeriksaan darah menunjukkan terjadinya anemia, hemoglobinemia, trombositopenia, dan leukositosis. Pemeriksaan hemostasis didapatkan nilai PT normal dan peningkatan nilai aPTT. Penanganan pertama yang dilakukan adalah tranfusi cairan berupa infus ringer laktat dan asam traneksamat melalui intravena. Akan tetapi hewan mengalami kematian sebelum diberikan terapi lanjutan.
Terapi kombinasi akupuntur dan thermodinamika pada kasus paresis tubuh bagian belakang kucing lokal Rr Soesatyoratih; R Harry Soehartono; Rani Dwi Septyani
ARSHI Veterinary Letters Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): ARSHI Veterinary Letters - November 2019
Publisher : School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (596.169 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avl.3.4.69-70


Seekor kucing jantan lokal mengalami paresis pada kedua kaki belakang, anus, vesika urinaria dan ekor. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan neurologis, kucing mengalami gangguan pada medula spinalis segmen IV (lumbosacral), V (sacral), dan VI (caudal). Kombinasi akupunktur dengan terapi panas menjadi salah satu pilihan pengobatan gangguan neurologis pada studi kasus ini. Teknik terapi akupunktur dilakukan melalui stimulasi titik GV-2, GV-4, GV-15, GV-20, GB-34 yang dibantu dengan pemanasan menggunakan lampu thermal deep penetration dan akuapuntur menggunakan injeksi Neuroboran® pada titik BL-29. Terapi dilakukan selama 15 menit pada setiap terapi dan dilaksanakan seminggu 3 kali sampai terjadi perkembangan kesembuhan. Perkembangan persembuhan pada refleks kaki belakang, cara berjalan, urinasi, refleks anus, dan defekasi setelah menjalani terapi akupunktur sebanyak 7 kali. Namun perkembangan pada refleks ekor belum tampak terjadi.
Evaluation of ultraviolet-C lamps sterilization in veterinary operating theatre Dito Anggoro; Setyo Budhi; Agus Purnomo; Dorothea Vera Megarani
ARSHI Veterinary Letters Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): ARSHI Veterinary Letters - November 2019
Publisher : School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.382 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avl.3.4.75-76


Ultraviolet (UV) lamp is the simplest method for sterilizing operating theatre. This method is effective, easily operated, and does not require high cost. Furthermore, there were several studies of microorganism contamination in the air and surface at human operating theatre. However, studies in veterinary operating theatre related to the effectiveness of UV light on sterilization process is still limited, especially in Indonesia. Bacterial contamination samples were collected three times each in three different conditions: A) before surgery and without UV, B) before surgery but UV was already used, and C) after surgery and UV was already used. Samples were taken with settle plate and swab method for collecting the air and operating table contamination, respectively. One-way repeated measures ANOVA determined that there was statistically significant difference in the number of bacterial contaminations between three conditions (A, B, and C) in settle plate method (p=0.009), as well as in swab method (p=0.010). The result revealed that the UV light was effective to sterilize operating theatre, which can be seen from the significant decreases on the number of bacterial contaminations before and after the UV was used, both in settle plate and swab method. The result of this study supported the theory that the UV light can reduce the air bacterial and surface contamination at operating theatre. However, the result of microorganism contaminations in this study was still not appropriate based on the standard minimum of total bacterial in the operating theatre from The Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia. Consequently, the use of another method of sterilization at the operating theatre is still required for a better sterilization result.
Limb amputation for surgical management of grade two mast cell tumor on digit of labrador retriever Tri Ayu Kristianty; Siti Zaenab; Osye Syanita Alamsari; Sitaria Siallagan; Sukmasari Arifah; Bagus Satrio Budiharjo
ARSHI Veterinary Letters Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): ARSHI Veterinary Letters - November 2019
Publisher : School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.254 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avl.3.4.67-68


The Labrador retriever came to My vets animal clinic Bumi Serpong Damai with mass on digit for a month. Punch biopsy procedure was performed to differentiate the type of the cells involved. The histological report diagnosed mast cell tumor grade 2. Mast cell tumors are one of the most common skin tumors in dogs, its account for approximately 20-25% of skin tumors in dogs. Mast cell tumors can be classified as grade 1, 2 and 3 by histological assesment. Hematology, blood chemistry, chest radiography and abdomen ultrasound were taken to evaluate metastasis condition of the tumor and the results were normal. Mast cell tumors are corrected by surgical, and post-operative survival time is related to the degree of differentiation. Limb amputation was taken as an option to prevent the spread of tumor to the nearest lymph node, namely the axillary node.
Studi in silico potensi anthelmintik rambusa (Passiflora foetida) sebagai inhibitor produksi ATP pada Ascaris suum Dede Rival Novian; Aji Winarso
ARSHI Veterinary Letters Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): ARSHI Veterinary Letters - November 2019
Publisher : School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (522.94 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avl.3.4.79-80


Resistensi terhadap anthelmintika memacu upaya penemuan anthelmintika baru yang bekerja melalui penghambatan produksi energi ATP anaerobik pada sel parasit. Parasit melakukan metabolisme menggunakan enzim fumarat reduktase yang berfungsi untuk mengubah fumarat menjadi suksinat. Reaksi fumarat reduktase terjadi di mitokondria dengan bantuan rhodoquinone. Mitochondrial rhodoquinol-fumarate reductase  dianggap sebagai target reseptor yang baik untuk pengembangan anthelmintik baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi interaksi antara senyawa Passiflora foetida dengan reseptor mitochondrial rhodoquinol-fumarate reductase dari cacing Ascaris suum dengan metode in silico. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa senyawa bioaktif ermanin dan deidadlin dari Passiflora foetida memiliki potensi sebagai senyawa obat anthelmintik. Aktivitas senyawa ermanin dan deidaclin memiliki ernegi afinitias berturut turut-turut sebesar -8,2 kcal/mol dan -7,8 kcal/mol, bahkan lebih rendah dari senyawa Atpenin (-7,6kcal/mol)
Bedah rehabilitasi rectovaginal fistula pada kuda . Amrozi; R Harry Soehartono; Erly R Adistya; Iga Mahardi; Hidayati Mukarromah; M Ibnu Satria
ARSHI Veterinary Letters Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): ARSHI Veterinary Letters - November 2019
Publisher : School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.246 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avl.3.4.61-62


Rectovaginal fistula (RVF) merupakan fistula yang terbentuk antara rektum dan vagina sehingga feses masuk ke vagina dan menyebabkan endometritis. Seekor kuda primipara umur 6 tahun mengalami RVF. Rehabilitasi RVF pada kuda ini dilakukan dengan tindakan bedah penjahitan fistula dengan anestesi general. Sedasi menggunakan xylazine, induksi dengan ketamine serta maintenance dengan inhalasi isofluran. Luka baru dibuat pada tepi fistula dan penjahitan dilakukan sesuai dengan arah fistula dengan jahitan sederhana. Terapi pascabedah yaitu pemberian antibiotik selama 10 hari, antiinflamasi 5 hari dan analgesik 3 hari. Diet pascabedah dilakukan dengan memberikan pakan rumput segar. Persembuhan jaringan 10 hari pascabedah ditandai dengan terbentuk jaringan baru dan tidak ada feses yang masuk ke dalam vagina.
An integrative therapy for paraplegia dog with ehrlichiosis Frizky Amelia; Danny Umbu T. Hambandima; Erly Rizka Adistya; Roro Soesatyoratih; Leni Maylina; Nindya Dwi Utami; Tatang Cahyono; Deni Noviana
ARSHI Veterinary Letters Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): ARSHI Veterinary Letters - November 2019
Publisher : School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.438 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avl.3.4.65-66


An eight-months-old male Golden Retriever was referred to Veterinary Teaching Hospitalof IPB University with clinical signs of non-ambulatory paraplegia, tail paralysis, urinary and faecal incontinence, pale mucosa, and loss of sensory and motoric responses on both pelvic limbs. The hematology examination showed thrombocytopenia (125x103/µL), monocytopenia (0.09x103/µL),and no significant decreased of hematocrit (36.88%). Rapid diagnostic test and blood smears were positive for Ehrlichiacanis infection. Abdominalsonogram showed splenomegaly and hepatomegaly with hepatic vessels dilatation. An integrative therapy was done using medications (vitamin B-complex, cyproheptadine, methylprednisolone, doxycycline, and Fundamin E®), herbal (Gui Pi Tang® and Fu Fang Ejiao Jiang®), acupuncture, micro-radar, and Tuina massage. The dog was able to walk and run after 10th session of the intensivetreatment then discharged from the hospital after two months. One week after, the dog started dragging his toe. A customized shoe then made to prevent furtherinjury to the affected limb. The acupuncture was continued once a week for the following two months. The dog is still able to walk and run at his last visit 5 months later. This shows that an integrative therapycan give a good performance in recovering ambulation of paraplegia dog with ehrlichiosis
Infestasi skabies pada ternak kerbau rawa di desa Sukamaju kecamatan Ciampea kabupaten Bogor Upik Kesumawati Hadi; Angga Puji Nugraha
ARSHI Veterinary Letters Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): ARSHI Veterinary Letters - November 2019
Publisher : School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (472.304 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avl.3.4.77-78


The parasitic disease is one of the factors that can reduce the productivity of livestock. This study was conducted to identify the scabies cases in swamp buffaloes including species of mites, the clinical symptoms, and the prevalence. The 12 of swamp buffaloes were observed by physical examinations, followed by laboratory observations, and processing the collected mites, and finally detailed identifications. The result showed that based on physical examination, there were 2 of 12 swamp buffaloes showing clinical symptoms of scabies. The species of mite infested was Sarcoptes scabiei. The clinical symptoms of sarcoptic mange in swamp buffaloes showed alopecia, hyperemia, scabs, pruritus, and thickening of the skin. The prevalence of sarcoptic mange in buffaloes at Sukamaju village, Ciampea, Bogor was 16.6%
Fraktur simpisis mandibula pada kucing persia Dodik Prasetyo; Luh Putu Setianti Pratiwi
ARSHI Veterinary Letters Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): ARSHI Veterinary Letters - November 2019
Publisher : School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.695 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avl.3.4.73-74


Kucing jantan berjenis persia berumur 4 tahun dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Brawijaya dengan kondisi halitosis, anoreksia, dan perdarahan pada rongga mulut. Pemeriksaan fisik didapati bahwa suhu tubuh kucing 38,9°C dan detak jantung 168x/menit, serta mandibula dexter dan sinister tidak bertaut ketika dipalpasi. Hasil pemeriksaan radiografi menunjukkan adanya ruang radiolucent diantara mandibula dexter dan sinister. Hasil pemeriksaan darah menunjukkan kondisi trombopenia sebagai tanda adanya perdarahan eksternal. Diagnosis penyakit pasien ini adalah fraktur simpisis mandibula. Terapi dilakukan dengan tindakan bedah ortopedi melalui pemasangan cerclage wire untuk menyatukan mandibula. Pascabedah diberikan antibiotik, antiinflamasi, dan suplemen dan kucing diperbolehkan untuk pulang setelah 8 hari perawatan karena kondisi sudah membaik

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